William K. Bradford Publishing - HomeK-12 Mathematics
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© 2006 William K. Bradford Publishing Company
Select from our prepared question files: customizable test banks to use with Mathematics TestBuilder. Build tests, worksheets, and assignments targeted to your objectives with these fully editable questions.

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FRACTIONS Scroll down for fractions test banks...
Fractions & Mixed Numbers TestBank - Grades 4-6


Developed by: Teach-Write Company

The Fraction & Mixed Numbers TestBank is a database that includes over 500 questions covering comparing and ordering fractions, finding least common denominators, reducing fractions to lowest terms, adding/subtracting/multiplying and dividing fractions and mized numbers. Questions are available in fill in the blank, multiple choice, or writing about math format and focus on areas suggested by the NCTM Standards; Estimation, Mental Math, Computation, and Real-Life Word Problems.


Requires Math TestBuilder.