ClassMaster - Computer Gradebook
Developed by: William K. Bradford Publishing Co.
ClassMaster 4.0 is a computer gradebook that calculates, records, reports and forecasts student and class performance, and includes a comprehensive attendance component and seating chart.

The program serves as a powerful, customizable tool that can accommodate an unlimited amount of student, activity and attendance data.
More than just a spreadsheet!
User-defined grade symbols, grading scales, attendance codes; Rosters sorted and printed by name, ID number, activity information, etc.; Raw points or percentage scoring; Weighting, rounding, curving; Extra credit, not for grade, drop lowest grade options; Missing assignment reports; At-risk student reports; What-if performance reports with graphs and comments; Student performace reports with graphs and comments; Customized seating charts; Attendance recording from classroom roster or seating chart; License to use at school and at home; Seamless transfer of files between Mac and Windows platforms; Optional password protection

New features in v.4.0 include:
E-mail capabilities - Now you can simply email student performance reports, missing assignment data, grade calculations, etc., directly from the ClassMaster program!
View and print customized reports
Student performance report of subject categories and assigned activities; Individual grades and a bar graph display a student's performance in relation to the whole class; Grapic display of where a student's activity or final grade falls within a distibution curve; Daily attendance summaries, individual attendance reports, and attendance rosters; Missing assignments for the entire class or individual students; Attach comments, signature lines, etc. to all reports; Print a report for a single student or for all students, print multiple reports per page

Please call for extra CDs ($3) and extra manuals ($4), have your serial number handy.
IMPORTANT: When placing your order online, be sure to put your name in the format to be encrypted on the program, ( i.e. Dr. Smith; J. Smith) in the comment line at the end of checkout.
NOTE: ClassMaster 4.0 is now available for Mac Tiger!
V. 4.0 Requirements: Windows XP, 2000, 98. Macintosh OSX, Macintosh TIGER.
V. 3.2 Requirements: Macintosh LC or later, System 7.0 or later, 640x480 color monitor, 2MB of free RAM, printer recommended; Windows 95 or later, printer recommended.
Click here for ClassMaster Trouble-Shooting and FAQs.