GraphPaper Plus - Grades 6-12
Developed by: Philippe Marquis
Customize and Print Your Own Graph Paper with this Easy to Use Software
GraphPaper Plus quickly and easily prints numerous kinds of graph paper, pattern paper, tables, and other mathematical diagrams in user defined sizes and colors. Options include: Rectang-ular Grids; Polar Grids; Dot Paper; Per-spective Paper; Regular Polygons and Circles; Tables with customizable rows and columns; Weekly and Monthly Calendars; and much more!
" Print from over 50 ready to go
templates or design and save
your own
" Adjust margins, size, thickness
of lines, and color
" Select metric or standard linear
scales as well as non-linear scales
" Add titles, captions in any size, font, or rotation
" Copy and paste diagrams into
other applications.

Windows 95 or later, minimum screen resolution 600x800 pixels with small screen font, 1024 x 768 pixels with large screen font.