William K. Bradford Publishing - HomeK-12 Mathematics
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© 2006 William K. Bradford Publishing Company
Brenda Batten

Meet the Author:
No conferences listed at this time.

MAT, Mathematics: The Citadel, 1974
BA, Mathematics: Winthrop College, 1969

T3 Certifications:
Algebra, Precalculus, AP Calculus, CMS, CAS SMG Development Team

Publications with William K. Bradford Publishing Company:

Concepts of Calculus: Exploring AP Calculus (AB) with the TI-89

Concepts of Calculus: Exploring AP Calculus (BC) with the TI-89

Calculus AB (and BC) Exam Prep TestBank

AP Calculus MathBox

Biographical Information:
Life, for me, began in 1989; as a teacher, that is. Upon re-entering the teaching profession after over a decade; I felt like Rip van Winkle, awakening from a revolution in mathematics education.

I read, "Telling isnt teaching; listening isnt learning." At our South Carolina math conference I heard Bert Waits say he was looking for "a few good men" to spread the news of technology. I enlisted. It was the summer of 1992. Little did I know that CalcNet would lead me on a path that changed not only my approach to teaching, but my whole life. What a ride!

Over this past decade, T3 has given me the opportunity to meet teachers from all parts the country, to develop close and lasting friendships with other T3 Instructors, as well as with institute participants. Ive gained a deep appreciation for the dedication of those teachers as I think of the great work they are doing, and I treasure the memories of each special place in the U.S. of A.

In addition, Texas Instruments has allowed me to work with their incredible computer engineers, product development teams, marketing teams, sales representatives, and workshop loan staff. When teachers speak, TI listens.

&and at home, I have had the encouragement and support of husband, Wise; daughter Lee, Real Estate Agent, Charleston, SC; and son Wise, Jr., MF, UGA, recent addition to Wise Batten, Inc. My former "pursuits of happiness," to be continued: piano/voice, gardening, Bridge, mystery novels and perhaps another dance class.