Math-Teacher: Analytic Geometry and Trigonometry - Grades 10-12
Developed by: Math-Kal Educational Software, Ltd.
Analytic Geometry:
Points in the Plane
The Straight Line
The Circle
The Ellipse
The Hyperbola
The Parabola
Functions Related to the Right Triangle
Solving Triangles and Shapes
Definitions of Sin, Cos, and Tan
Functions of Sum of Two Angles
Conversions of Sums and Products
Solving Trigonometric Equations
Randomly generated problems and examples providing continuous dialog and feedback make Math Teacher Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry Class the perfect tool for all students. Students can choose their own problem solving method and receive guidance along the way.

This investigation laboratory allows for exploring zeros and extreme points, inverse relations, reflections and translations, operations between functions, slope, tangent lines, points of intersections, asymptotes, and much more.
Students can print reports which include the activity covered, unit, subject, grade, solved problems, total mistakes, lessons, guidance, hints, and comments.
The teacher tool automatically prepares randomly generated tests and worksheets based on your choice of objectives. They include detailed solutions with graphics where applicable.
Windows ONLY. CD ROM drive, Windows 95 or above.