GrafEq - Grades 9-12
Developed by: Pedagoguery Software Inc.
GrafEq is designed for both teaching and learning high school mathematics. It is an easy to use program for graphing equations including linear, polynomial, conic, trigonometric, exponential, absolute value, and many more.
GrafEq provides an effective means of illustrating topics such as linear slopes, intercepts and lengths, polynomials, transformations, simultaneous systems, extrema, graphing regions in the plane, and more. It can be used as an exploratory tool, to introduce new concepts, or to reinforce key ideas.
Graphing capabilities include:
Polar, cartesian, parametric; Algebraic, trigonometric, hyperbolic; Exponential, logarithmic, min, max; Modulo, gcd, lcm, rounding; Absolute value, piecewise definition; Inequalities. Each graph can consist of one or more equations. An equation may be entered either free-form or through use of an easy button floating window which is especially useful when entering symbols not readily found on a standard keyboard. Each equation can be defined using single or multiple constraints.

Define constants, labels, axes, and ticks; Define patterns and color; Locate points, slopes, distances, angles; Zoom-in / zoom-out; Save and open files in several formats; Create high quality print outs; Copy and paste graphics and relations; Export graphics to other applications.
Macintosh System 6.05 or later, 2.5 MB RAM, CD ROM drive; Windows 3.1 or later, or NT 4.0, 386 or later, 4M RAM, CD ROM drive.