Mastering Calculus Series - Grades 11-12
Developed by: NECTAR Foundation
Area & Integration
Curve Sketching
The Mastering Calculus Series covers five topics of an introductory Calculus course. Each program contains a powerful, yet flexible and easy-to-use interactive tutorial with lessons and questions. The series provides for self-directed, self-paced, individualized learning.

The programs quickly and easily isolate student strengths and weaknesses and identify and prescribe the specific remediation required. Mastering Calculus lessons foster student responsibility for learning - students progress at their own rate. Post tests provide detailed analysis that is cross-referenced to the tutorial material. Each module consists of three software components that: evaluate prerequisite skill levels, present interactive tutorials, and provide summative assessment.
Mastering Calculus allows you to easily establish whether or not a student has all of the necessary skills prior to starting a new unit of study. The first component of each module performs a diagnosis of the student's knowledge of prerequisite skills. Results indicate if the student is ready for the unit, and if not, what specific remediation is required.
The tutorials combine text, graphics, animation, sample problems, and student exercises to allow students to progress at their own rate. Randomly generated questions with step by step solutions are available to students at a variety of cognitive levels. This component of each module encourages student responsibility for learning.

The final component of Mastering Calculus administers and evaluates a post test, providing detailed analysis that is cross referenced to the tutorial material. Flexibility has been built in to allow control over the nature of the questions comprising the test. Since no two post tests are ever the same, students can strive for mastery by doing as many tests as they wish.
Features: (1) Self-directed, self-paced, individualized learning; (2) Diagnosis of knowledge of prerequisite skills; (3) Randomly generated questions with complete solutions; (4) Powerful, interactive tutorials; (5) Built-in post test; and (6) No teacher configuration required.
For Individual Title pricing, call .
Macintosh, 1MB minimum; Windows 3.1 or later, 386SX CPU or better, VGA monitor or better, mouse, 4 MB RAM; CD ROM drive.